LOVELY MOMENTS Hello lovelies! Today I’ll tell you something special my friendship.We all have special friends, especially in my case. I’m quite reserved and I like to open up with few friends, few but good. With them it becomes easy for me to share my feelings, both the good and the bad times. If I tell you a little more about me, I’m not a big talker but I love talking with the special friends watching their eyes who I keeping in heart! So i become big talker! It’s just who I am. Well! For this post i want to introduce one of the special @Janne van der Laan and lovely my friends in Italy that I want inside my heart. Thank you all for Love! Remembering something special lovely moments with them. Hey my all sweetness! You guys makes me feel richest person in this world. We only get one life, lets make sure we live it to the fullest! I hope you like it as much as i do.
Follow on Instagram my daily update!@Janne is super adorable. I’ll honestly say this to you we’ve known each other as a colleague in the office @Dolce&Gabbana (not anymore) but we have an incredible feeling as friendship. The beauty of life is stuffed full of surprise. And we’re growing together and share many lovely experiences. Needless to say how much i’m loving her!
How much i laughing with her like a crazy, @Janne asked me you’re drunk before?’ haha She makes me feel amazing. When I’m with you I wish time stand still! That you so much for being part of my life.
Can you believe, we are born the same day (not the same year). It was really lovely moments for celebrating our birthday with best friends. The night was perfect, elegance, fun, laughter, and glamourous. Exactly as we wanted! How much we were happy?
With this opportunity i want to present you another special friends!
Snap: After the @Dolce&Gabbana fashion show @Teresa @Valeria @Janne @Costanza all together!
Do you remember my real birthday during the #milanfashionweek? I spent a whole day with great delight with @Valeria.M
Mia bambina @Teresa you’re so adorable! thanks Your organization seemed like the film 007 for the our birthday gift cakes.
Snap : We were enjoyed in the new opening party #Piave37 (event of Dolce&Gabbana) during the #milanfashionweek. with @Alessia (wearelovers) @Gabriele @Viviana @Teresa & Me!
@Gabriele.G i don’t have words but I understand me! Can not believe it?
Esplosion of colours? @Gasca For Summer we love having so many colorful things, It makes us happy. #loveit
@Gabriele.G #foreverboyfriendfit
@Alessia.B the cherry on the cake! We always have fun the wonderful her party, organized by @wearelovers
@Cos We had fun at the party #HALLOWOOD2013! We know for you first love is Beyonce! #vivacosciona
As you have seen a lot of photos with @Yigit & @Nicolò my favourite guys!
@Nicolo you’re unique blond and blue eyes that I like.Thank you all for Love!
J’adore @Yigit! Sole, Mare, Amore
Everyone knows I really love sparkles that you notice from 3 km away! My lovely Sicilian @Domenico loves me or my sequins? Never mind! #sequinsforever
Adorable boys with beard and black glasses! @Domenico & @Dennis The first one loves sequins! The other one the cakes! lol
Best wishes for @Giulio
@Alessandro I don’t want say goodbye rather see you soon. Good luck for your trip N.Y! we’ll miss you so much!
@Adri special thanks for advice da macho ♥
#foreverlove @Massimiliano he calls me ‘Stella’ (star). We’ve known each other more than 10 years. I still get emotional when he call me that! I want to be shining for you & others ♥
@Janne & @Dennis I can’t express in the words how much I love you guys!
@Janne Let me tell you, I have a desire to spend some days with you where there is a sea and sun maybe romance as well. I hope we’ll do it soon!
We were in full of August in the party of @Wearelovers!
Isn’t this the Sweetest pic?!!
Sometimes the most enchanting and fun things are the most simple : you just have to take the time to find them or find the people to share these kind of moments with to enjoy at the fullest!
Many kisses and lots of love to all! #ENDLESSLOVE
Stay tuned loves! Many kisses and lots of love to all!
Enjoy for every moment of life! Kiss and Love
Ps. You must check!
Our birthday party, My B/day + #MFW, #Hallowood2013 Disco Africa, Love of stars