I have a very special friend over in Korea, her name is Dohyun Park. We’ve known each other since we were at middle school. And we’ve grown up together and shared many lovely experiences. By now she feels more like a sister than a friend to me.We all have special friends, especially in my case. I’m quite reserved and I like to open up with few friends, few but good. With them it becomes easy for me to share my feelings, both the good and the bad times. Ddorry (nickname) is actually my best friend in the whole world. In the last 14 years we’ve been living apart, with me over in Milan, so its quite difficult to stay in touch, but she’s always with me in my heart.
She’s been married for a while now, and when I go over to visit in Seoul she doesn’t have that much time to see me, between her commitments at work, and her daughter, but when we do meet up its like we were still at school together, sometimes that intimacy is unbreakable..
As I mentioned she has a daughter, she is super adorable. Her name is Yumin and she’s almost 5. She is very curious and very interested in fashion actually. She’s very careful with her style and loves fashion and accessories. She loves my style actually! She loves to draw, it’s a huge passion of hers. She’s always ready with her coloured pens and notebook.
She reminds me of when I was a child, I spent hours drawing while we travelled the world. I love her drawings and I’m always surprised by her viewpoint. She looks at the world, people and things in a completely different way from me, and any other adult.
Here are her drawings for me. She made my portrait and wrote “Lovely Yuri I miss you so much” on a note. She is soo sweet! She even drew what she believes to be my perfect man!
As well and draiwng together I love pasing time with her and playing. I feel like a kid again with her! Its important to have a lot of imagination to play! When I’m with her I wish life was always this good! Thank you all for Love!
As I told you she absolutely adores my style and when she sees me she wanstto try and touch everything I’ve got on! Here in August she asked to try on my sunglasses. We spent a long weekend at the Grand Hyatt Seoul. She loved my golden sunglasses by Mykita & Bernhard Willhelm Franz.
She’s a bit of a handful and she really wanted to be in EVERY picture we took over the weekend!:-)
Isn’t this the Sweetest pic? tell me why you like it! w/ my Lovely Yumin. Miss you!
It’s so nice to spend time with my friend and her lovely daughter. That you so much for being part of my life. We only get one life, and lets make sure we live it to the fullest!